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Last Updated: Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Plant Varieties
S.No Title Inventors and Team Country/Patent No./Grant Date Summary
 1 Vetiver plant named `CIMAP-KHUSINOLIKA`

HS Chauhan
HP Singh
C S Chanautia
AK Shasany
UC Lavania
VKS Tomar
Alok Kalra
Ashok Kr Singh

The present invention relates to the development of a novel, morphologically and genetically distinct khusinol rich essential oil producing clone of vetiver [Vetiveria zizaniodes (L.) Nash. syn. Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty; family Poacaeae} named ‘CIMAP- Khusinolika’. The plant of this clone is characterized by spreading type clump canopy in the initial stage, white feathery stigma and capable of producing >1% (v/w) essential oil containing 45-50% Khusinol (v/v) obtained after hydro-distillation from fresh roots harvested from 06 month old plantations. This clone has unique ISSR profiles that serve as DNA-fingerprints. The clone was obtained through recurrent selection in polycrossed population generated from the bulk of wild collection, and can be propagated through vegetative  slips (3 to 6 month old stem with few roots) for commercial plantation as a short duration crop.
2 A novel autotetraploid clone 'CIMAP-KHUS 40' of vetiver (Vetiveria zizaniodes) useful for carbon sequestration and soil conservation
UC Lavania,
SK Rai,

Lavania Seshu,
Surochita Basu,
Basant, Kumar Dubey,
Ram Ujagir

 The present invention relates to the development of a novel clone of Vetiver [Vetveria zizaniodes (L) Nash. syn. Chrysopogon zizaniodes (L.) Roberty; family Poaceae], named ‘CIMAP-KHUS 40’ characterized by somatic chromosome number 4x=40, larger stomata, fast growing deep penetrating roots, and seed infertility disabling its spread as a weed. This clone has unique ISSR and RAPD profiles that serve as DNA-fingerprints, and is developed from a unique diploid plant (2n=20). The invention document details all the pertinent data relating to this clone, its biological features and usefulness, and the method of its development
 3 High artemisinin yielding plant genotype 'CIM-Arogya'
Shilpi Paul,

AK Shasany,
AK Gupta,
MP Darokar,
MM Gupta,
RK Verma,
Govind Ram,
Anuraddha Kumar,
RK Lal,
RP Bansal,
AK Singh,
RS Bhakuni,
Sudeep Tandon

The invention is related to the development of a novel, distinct high herb and artemisinin yielding genotype of Artemisia annua obtained through systematic marker assisted breeding followed by selection of uniform population in a methodical way wherein the genotype is distinct, uniform and stably maintainable by continuous rouging of the off types in the population using DNA marker at early seedling stage from nursery itself and suitable for commercial cultivation.

Early maturing, high yielding psyllium (Plantago ovata) variety ' Mayuri' with maturity marker

RK Lal,

Nilakshi Singh,
HO Misra,
JR Sharma,
JR Bahl,
AK Shasany,
SPS Khanuja

US/PP17505/20.3.2007 A new distinct early maturing, high seed and husk yielding variety of Psyllium (Plantago ovata) designated as var. ‘Mayuri’ has been developed with the distinct pigment marker of the panicles related to the maturity thereby indicating the right harvesting stage to prevent the seed shattering, a problem in Psyllium. This variety was developed by mutation breeding (gamma rays irradiation) and propagated by seeds for commercial cultivation

Mint plant `Kushal` for late transplanting


SPS Khanuja,
AK Shasany,
Usha Yadav,
Sunita Dhawan,
MP Darokar,
JR Bahl,
Soni Gupta,
Sweta Pandey,
AK Singh,
RP Bansal,
RK Lal,
OP Dhawan,
AA Naqvi,
Alok Kalra,
Alok Krishna,
VKS Tomar,
AK Singh 

A novel, distinct high yielding plant with rapid regeneration ability obtained through screening of the somaclones in a methodical way for fast regeneration in the tissue culture stage itself which was achieved by inventing the plant 'Kushal'. The plant yield higher herbage with corresponding high essential oil when evaluated with available superior varieties of mint in late planting condition during April when the fields are vacated after the harvest of Rabi crop like wheat, chickpea, coriander etc
6 Citral rich high yielding lemongrass plant `Nima` of Cymbopogon flexuosus

RK Lal,
HO Misra,
JR Sharma,
Nilakshi Singh,
AK Shasany,
AA Naqvi,
JR Bahl,
Arun Prasad,
SPS Khanuja

The The new high yielding variety has very high content of citral in the essential oil.
7 Rose scented geranium Pelargonium graveolenes plant `Safal`

Sushil Kumar,
Ritika Gupta,
KP Sastry,
S Banerjee,
GR Mallavarapu,
Srinivas I Ramesh,
AK Shasany,
MP Darokar,
SPS Khanuja

The invention relates to development of a new, distinct and unique plant of rose scented geranium Pelargonium graveolens by hybridization between largely sterile populations of the cultivar accessions ‘Bipuli’ and ‘Hemanti’ possessing 89% rhodinol content in essential oil in which citronellol to geraniol ratios is approximately 1:1. The plant can be propagated vegetatively through stem cuttings and suitable for commercial cultivation in large scale.
8 Peppermint plant named `Pranjal`

S Dwivedi,
Maneesha Singh,
AP Singh,
Vandana Singh,
SPS Khanuja,
AA Naqvi,
Sushil Kumar 

The said peppermint mutant plant ‘Pranjal’ has a high yield of menthol rich essential oil, deep purplish green foliage, purplish white flowers, a delayed temporary wilting point and tolerance to the pest Bihar hairy caterpillar (Spilarctia oblique)
 9 Mint plant named `Saksham`

SPS Khanuja,
Sushil Kumar,
AK Shasany,
Sunita Dhawan,
MP Darokar,
AA Naqvi,
OP Dhawan,
AK Singh,
NK Patra,
JR Bahl,
RP Bansal 

Saksham' is a novel, high menthol producing plant obtained through a unique method of screening of the somaclones in poison agar medium containing toxic level of menthol. The essential oil yield of Saksham is higher as compared to other existing improved varieties besides being rich in menthol. The said plant possesses better vegetative growth with high regenerability and is tolerant to leaf spot, rust and powdery mildew diseases.
 10 Mint plant Mentha spicata l. var.viridis christened as `Ganga`

SPS Khanuja,
Sushil Kumar,
AK Shasany,
SS Dhawan,
MP Darokar,
TK Tripathi,
Sarita Satapathy,
TRS Kumar,
VK Gupta,
Arvind K Tripathi,
Soumya Awasthi,
Veena Prajapati,
AA Naqvi,
KK Agarwal,
JR Bahl,
AK Singh,
Ateeque Ahmed,
RP Bansal,
Alok Krishna,
D Saikia 

 US/PP16747/4.7.2006 A novel multi-utility mint plant christened as 'Ganga' of Mentha spicata L. var. viridis has been developed which has vigorous growth and produces essential oil which exhibit anti-insect and antimicrobial activities. The plant is highly useful for agrochemical and pharmaceutical purposes.
11 High yielding and stable plant of Cymbopogon flexuosus called `Chirharit`

NK Patra,
Sushil Kumar,
SPS Khanuja,
AK Shasany,
Alok Kalra,
HB Singh,
HP Singh,
VR Singh,
Hasan Tanveer,
Nareshwar Mengi,
DK Rajput,
MS Negi,
NK Tyagi,
Paltoo Ram,
VP Singh,
RS Shukla,
Birendra Kumar,
JP Singh,
Raja Ram,
Vijay Kumar,
SR Sharma


Frost resistant and high yielding lemongrass plant "Chirharit has been developed through extensive selection for frost resistance in open pollinated seed progenies of variety Cauvery under chilling winter conditions. The said plant is tetraploid variant of normal diploid variety and produces high biomass, and high oil yield. In view of its stay green habit, it does not show reduction in yield over the years like other varieties.

 12 High yielding stable plant of Rosa damascena, called `Ranisahiba`

NK Patra,
Sushil Kumar,
SPS Khanuja,
AK Shasany,
Alok Kalra,
HB Singh,
HP Singh,
Hasan Tanveer,
Ved Ram Singh,
Nareshwar Mengi,
DK Rajput,
MS Negi,
NK Tyagi,
Paltto Ram,
VP Singh,
Anand Singh,
Birendra Kumar,
JP Singh,
Vijay Kumar,
Shiv Ram Sharma 

'Ranisahiba' is a super genotype of damask rose developed from variety Kannauj through a comprehensive scheme of half-sib progeny. The plant has globular canopy which allows equal distribution of sunlight to the flowers, leading to enhanced flower biomass. The plant has high oil content and very high oil yield as compared to existing rose varieties. The oil has high geraniol content and very low undesirable wax component
 13 Novel, high yielding stable Mentha arvensis plant named `Damroo`

AK Shasany,
Alok Kalra,
HB Singh,
HP Singh,
VR Singh,
Hasan Tanveer,
Nareshwar Mengi,
DK Rajput,
Paltoo Ram,
VP Singh,
RS Shukla,
Birendra Kumar,
JP Singh,
Raja Ram,
Vijay Kumar,
SR Sharma  

A novel Mentha arvensis mint population-variety 'Damroo' capable of producing viable seeds and phenotypically homogeneous seed-derived plant population when cross pollinated within its own population and capable of high yield of mint oil.
 14 Lippia alba plant named `Bhurakshak`

Sushil Kumar,
JR Bahl,
RP Bansal,
SN Garg,
AA Naqvi,
SPS Khanuja,
AK Shasany,
MP Darokar,
Vikram Singh,
Sweta Sinha 

The invention relates to a new and distinct mutant plant of Lippia alba characterized by a novel aroma combining linalool, citral-a and citral-b as the major constituents in its oil which can find wider usage in cosmetic and soap industries. The mutant plant has been developed from variety 'Kavach' which can be grown on waste land, ravines and slopes to check soil erosion.
 15 A new and distinct somaclonal variety of rose scented geranium

Gauri Saxena,
Suchitra Banerjee,
Laiq ur Rahman,
M Gopal Rao,
Srikant Sharma,
SPS Khanuja,
Sushil Kumar


The invention provides a new distinct somaclone of rose scented geranium P. graveolnes christened as “PARIMAL” characterized by distinct morphology and improved oil yield determining parameters. The said novel somaclone has been developed from callus through in vitro tissue culture technique, without enforced mutagenesis. The plant possesses characteristic leaf morphology, vigorous growth, improved oil content per plant, herb yield and oil yield. The oil produced by this somaclone resembles the oil produced by the commercial type of bourbon geranium oil in that has equivalent ratio of citronellol and geraniol.


16. ‘Narmada, a new plant of pelargonium graveolens, yielding high perfume value essential oil

RN Kulkarni,
NS Ravindra,
S Ramesh,
MG Gopal Rao,
SPS Khanuja,
MP Darokar,
AK Shasany,
Sushil Kumar


The present invention relates to the development of a new and distinct geranium plant called 'Narmada' yielding perfumery oil having higher content of rhodinol, total alcohol and high citronellol/geraniol ratio and lower content of undesirable isomenthone and 10-epi-gamma-eudesmol.


 17 'Dhawal', a high alkaloid producing periwinkle plant RN Kulkarni,

Kuppusamy Baskaran,
RS Chnadrashekara,
SPS Khanuja,
MP Darokar,
AK Shasany,
GC Uniyal,
MM Gupta,
Sushil Kumar


The invention relates to the development of a new and distinct mutant “Dhawal” of periwinkle, Cathranthus roseus, produced by chemical mutagensis of the seeds followed by regroups selection in a widely cultivated variety ‘Nirmal’. The said plant “Dhawal” is stable, homogenous and produces conspicuously higher herbage and alkaloid yield.

 18  Mint plant named `Sambhav` SPS Khanuja,

AK Shasany,
Sunita Dhawan,
MP Darokar,
TRS Kumar,
D Saikia,
NK Patra,
JR Bahl,
AK Tripathy,
Sushil Kumar

 US/PP14538/17.2.2004 The origin of the mint plant of the present application is a single somaclonal variant of cultivar ‘Himalaya (US Plant Pat. No. 10,935). The present invention relates to a novel, insect tolerant, high essential oil and methanol yielding mint plant named ‘Sambhav’, which is derived from Mentha arvensis L. The mint plant of the present invention has been developed as a result of planned experiments for the development of an insect tolerant mint plant with high oil and menthol yield which devised a procedure for early selection of somaclonal variants at the in-vitro stage variety of Mentha arvensis. The plant of the present invention can be propagated vegetatiely by suckers and genetically stable for commercial cultivation. The plant type of the present invention is unique because it has an extra wide canopy and height surpassing all existing varieties. This allows for better sunlight capture and foliage production which ultimately produce high oil and menthol yield.

Jal pallavi`, water logging tolerant Cymbopogon winterianus

NK Patra,
Sushil Kumar,
Alok Kalra,
SB Singh,
HP Singh,
Nareshwar Mengi,
SPS Khanuja,
AK Shasany,
MP Darokar,
VR Singh,
Hasan Tanveer,
AA Naqvi,
Paltoo Ram,
VP Singh,
Birendra Kumar,
JP Singh,
Raja Ram,
Vijay Kumar,
SR Sharma

 US/PP12997/24.9.2002 The present invention is related to the development of a new and distinct vegetatively propagated water tolerant plant of Cymbopogon winterianus by selection of a somatic variant from high yielding line Jorlab-2, the selected plant withstands prolonged water stagnation with no reduction in yield of essential oil
20  Hybrid mint plant named 'Neerkalka'

Sushil Kumar,
NK Patra,
SPS Khanuja,
AK Shasany,
Alok Kalra,
HB Singh,
VR Singh,
N Mengi,
Hassan Tenveer,
AA Naqvi,
VP Singh,
Kambod Singh

 US/PP12030/7.8.2001 The present invention relates to the development of a new and distinct interspecific mint hybrid 'Neerkalka' developed by sexual crossing between improved Mother plant Mentha arvensis (cv Kalka) and pollen plant Mentha spicata (cv Neera). The hybrid is propagated vegetatively by suckers or stem cuttings and is stable for commercial cultivation.
21 Kosi, high menthol mint plant of Mentha arvensis

Sushil Kumar,
NK Patra,
HP Singh,
Alok Kalra,
HB Singh,
Paltoo Ram,
VR Singh,
N Mengi,
VP Singh,
Muni Ram,
RS Shukla,
Kambod Singh,
Aparbal Singh,
SPS Khanuja,
AK Shasany,
AA Naqvi,
Binende Kumar,
DK Rajput,
Raja Ram,
JP Singh,
Vijay Kumar,
Hassen Tanveer,
SR Sharma



A novel mint plant 'Kosi' characterized by its high menthol content, high biomass and high oil yield with symmetrical branching giving globular shape to the canopy for equal distribution of sunlight to the lower leaves. 
22. A menthofuran rich unique chemotype plant Indus of Mentha piperita and harvest management method

SPS Khanuja,
NK Patra,
AK Shasany,
Birendra Kumar,
Soni Gupta,
RK Upadhyay,
PP Togarratti,
AK Singh,
MP Darokar,
VKS Tomar,
JR Bahl,
RK Lal

US/PP16474/25.4.2006 A new and distinct mint plant of Mentha piperita 'CIM-Indus' has been developed which has high amount of menthofuran (22 to 30%) and high amount of pulegone (9.0 to 18%). Menthofuran is an important compound used in formulation of standardized essential oils. 
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