Joomla Templates Just Hosting Review
Last Updated: Wednesday, 07 June 2017
Pain Chhoo...: -Pain Relieving Herbal Formulation
painchool G

Tech Profile

IPR Status : Indian Patent No. 185770

Application/User : Individuals suffering from headache, muscular pain, sprains, cold, chest congestion, etc.

Level/Scale of Development : Bench scale up to 10 kg batch

Status of Commercialisation : Technology transferred on non-exclusive basis

Environmental Considerations : Formulation is eco-friendly and doesn’t possess any environmental and health hazards

Major Raw Materials to be Utilised : Essential oils and Plant-derived actives with beeswax and petroleum jelly as base

Major Plant Equipment and Machinery Required : Mixer containing three tanks with temperature control and homogenizer, packing and sealing machine

Manufacturing Cost : The total cost is about Rs. 800-900/kg

Salient Technical Features

Contains specific essential oils and plant extracts, which make it more effective in comparison to other such products.

This unique combination acts as skin stimulant and counter-irritant that helps to relieve nasal and chest congestion.

Formulation is non-toxic, safe to use with no side-effects.

Technology Package

Complete know-how of the product.

Raw material processing.

Hands on training.

Fingerprints of the plant/s used.

Efficacy and safety data.

List of suppliers of raw material.

Contact Details

CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,
P.O-CIMAP,Near Kukrail Picnic Spot
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hits: 11804